Services to Members

Legislative Activities


      • Provide a lobbying presence at the Oklahoma Legislature – No truly bad-for-business environmental bills have been enacted since EFO began their presence in 1991 at the Legislature.

      • Host annual legislative reception

      • Convinced the Oklahoma Legislature to enact Title V air fees dramatically lower than presumptive minimum set forth by Congress in the Clean Air Act.

      • Work with DEQ to maintain a low fee structure.

      • Discuss pending environmental bills, strategies at bi-weekly EFO legislative committee meetings

      • Provide twice monthly e-mail updates on environmental bills during the legislative session

      • Provide regular e-mail reports regarding interim studies dealing with the environment.

    Member Services/Educational Opportunities


        • Present technical transfer seminars on timely and critical issues – (e.g,, Annual Environmental Regulatory Updates; Pollution Prevention – Do’s and Dont’s; Tribal Environmental Issues – Revisited, WOTUS, Air Seminar)

        • Partner with EPA to present new regulations and programs affecting regulated industries

        • Develop and maintain EFO’s website

        • Publish twice monthly electronic newsletter to member employees providing timely information on seminars, meetings, and environmental news

        • Provide educational and networking opportunities for member companies and regulatory agencies

        • Inform members of EFO activities and issues through e-mails, newsletters, memoranda, special mailings, and annual membership meetings.



          • Exchange memberships with and provide advice on environmental matters to the Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce

          • Work with EFO associate members such as Oklahoma Oil and Gas Association, Oklahoma Aggregates Association, Oklahoma Railroad Association, and the Arkansas Environmental Federation to achieve common environmental goals.

          • Maintain a positive working relationship with state environmental agencies such as ODEQ, OWRB, and Corporation Commission. Favorably impact agency rules pertaining to water quality standards, OPDES, solid waste, air quality, hazardous waste, fees, etc.

          • Provide an industry voice on environmental matters of public concern


        Filed amicus curiae briefs in six significant federal cases

        (a) American Forest and Paper Association v. EPA, U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, No. 96-60874

        (b) American Forest & Paper Association v. U. S. EPA, U. S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, No. 97-9506

        (c) Harmon Industries, Inc. v. Carol Browner, et al., U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, No. 98-3775

        (d) Piney Run Preservation Association v. County Commissioners of Carroll County, MD, U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, Nos. 00-1283 and 00-1322

        (e) U. S. v. Power Engineering Co., et al.,U. S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, No. 01-1217

        (f) Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union and the Ponca Tribe v. Continental Carbon Company, U. S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, No. 03-6243