Joining EFO is easy! The Membership Application is below. Show your support for an Oklahoma organization that encourages responsible industrial growth with respect to the environment.
Why Should My Company Join EFO?
Each year the number of environmental laws and regulations multiplies. It is virtually impossible for any one company to keep up with all the proposed and adopted changes, and even more difficult for that company’s voice to be heard by the decision makers.
EFO assists companies in having their common concerns heard by the Legislature and provides comments and testimony to administrative agencies regarding guidelines and regulations.
EFO provides educational opportunities such as seminars, workshops, information exchanges, and regulatory updates to assist you in the day-to-day operations for your company.
How Can My Company Get Involved in EFO?
Start by becoming a member. Then your company can be involved with EFO by attending seminars and the annual meeting and by serving on one or more of the committees listed under the Committee page.
Unite with other EFO members to addreess relevant environmental issues facing industry in Oklahoma. Emhance the opportunity to share common concerns with your peers and policy makers.
Provide member companies an opportunity to have direct interaction with regulatory staff and legislators.
What does EFO do for my company?
Legislative Activities
- Provide a lobbying presence at the Oklahoma Legislature – No truly bad-for-business environmental bills have been enacted since EFO began their presence in 1991 at the Legislature
- Host annual legislative reception
- Convinced the Oklahoma Legislature to enact Title V air fees dramatically lower than presumptive minimum set forth by Congress in the Clean Air Act.
- Work with DEQ to maintain a low fee structure.
- Discuss pending environmental bills, strategies at bi-weekly EFO legislative committee meetings
- Provide twice monthly e-mail updates on environmental bills during the legislative session
- Provide regular e-mail reports regarding interim studies dealing with the environment.
Member Services/Educational Opportunities
- Present technical transfer seminars on timely and critical issues – (e.g,, Annual Environmental Regulatory Updates; Pollution Prevention – Do’s and Dont’s; Tribal Environmental Issues – Revisited, WOTUS, Air Seminar)
- Partner with EPA to present new regulations and programs affecting regulated industries
- Develop and maintain EFO’s website
- Publish twice monthly electronic newsletter to member employees providing timely information on seminars, meetings, and environmental news
- Provide educational and networking opportunities for member companies and regulatory agencies
- Inform members of EFO activities and issues through e-mails, newsletters, memoranda, special mailings, and annual membership meetings
Exchange memberships with and provide advice on environmental matters to the Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce
Work with EFO associate members such as Oklahoma Oil and Gas Association, Oklahoma Aggregates Association, Oklahoma Railroad Association, and the Arkansas Environmental Federation to achieve common environmental goals.
Maintain a positive working relationship with state environmental agencies such as ODEQ, OWRB, and Corporation Commission. Favorably impact agency rules pertaining to water quality standards, OPDES, solid waste, air quality, hazardous waste, fees, etc.
Provide an industry voice on environmental matters of public concern.
Filed amicus curiae briefs in six significant federal cases
(a) American Forest and Paper Association v. EPA, U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, No. 96-60874
(b) American Forest & Paper Association v. U. S. EPA, U. S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, No. 97-9506
(c) Harmon Industries, Inc. v. Carol Browner, et al., U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, No. 98-3775
(d) Piney Run Preservation Association v. County Commissioners of Carroll County, MD, U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, Nos. 00-1283 and 00-1322
(e) U. S. v. Power Engineering Co., et al.,U. S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, No. 01-1217
(f) Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union and the Ponca Tribe v. Continental Carbon Company, U. S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, No. 03-6243
Company Membership
Annual Dues- Oklahoma major type permits
- Eligible to vote at Annual Membership meeting
- Eligible for Board of Directors
- May serve as an Federation Officer
- Eligible for Frank Condon Award
- Employees receive periodic newsletter
- Annual Dues $2500
- 3+ sites maximum dues $6000
- Upstream E&P $1200
Associate Membership
Annual Dues- Associations
- Minor state or local permits
- Eligible for Frank Condon Award
- Employees receive periodic newsletter
- Not eligible to vote at Annual Membership meeting
- Annual Dues $600
Affiliate Membership
Annual Dues- Consultants
- Maximum of 3 on Board of Directors
- Eligible to vote at Annual Membership meeting
- Employees receive periodic newsletter
- Annual Dues $500
Appendix Affiliate Membership
Annual Dues- Consultants
- Employees receive periodic newsletter
- Not eligible to vote at Annual Membership meeting
- Annual Dues $500
Student Membership
Annual Dues- Full time or part time students
- Oklahoma university
- Degree path is aligned with EHS, science, engineering, or legal studies
- Not eligible to vote at Annual Membership meeting
- Annual Dues $15 (Sept – August annually)
Annual Dues- Retired employee of EFO members
- No longer practicing in EHS capacity as Member
- Must serve actively EFO
- Not eligible to vote at Annual Membership meeting
- Annual Dues $25
Annual Dues- Retired employee of non-EFO member
- No longer practicing in EHS capacity
- Must serve actively EFO
- Not eligible to vote at Annual Membership meeting
- Annual Dues $50
Following is an excerpt of the EFO by-laws describing membership in detail.
Section 3.01
The membership of this Corporation shall consist of five (5) classes of members demonstrating an active interest in promoting the common environmental interests of companies or other entities doing business in Oklahoma: They shall be company members, affiliate members, appendix affiliate members, associate members ex officio members, students, alumni members, and volunteer members.
(A) The Company members shall be companies doing business in the State of Oklahoma.
(B) Affiliate members shall be any other entity deemed by the Board of Directors or a committee thereof to meet the criteria for membership.
(C) Appendix affiliate members shall be those entities who meet all the criteria for affiliate membership except those set forth in Section 3.04.
(D) Associate members shall be associations or companies doing business in Oklahoma who do not wish to serve on the Board of Directors or vote on Federation business.
(E) Ex officio members shall be individuals or entities deemed by the Board of Directors or a committee thereof to meet the criteria for membership.
(F) Student memberships are available while a student is actively enrolled, either part time or full time, at an Oklahoma university which offers environmental and / or health and safety degrees or related fields. Student members shall be verified by a designated university faculty advisor.
(G) Alumni memberships are available for those individuals that have retired from either and active member company that meets the requirements of Section 3.01(A)-(E) or an Oklahoma agency and are no longer practicing in a capacity that would qualify them as a member defined in Section 3.01 (A)-(E). Alumni members must actively participate on a selected media committee.
(H) Volunteer memberships are available for those individuals that do not meet the requirements specified in Section 3.01(A)-(G) and wish to actively serve on a selected media committee.
Section 3.03
Affiliate, appendix affiliate, associate and ex officio membership applications are subject to approval by the Environmental Federation of Oklahoma, Inc. Board of Directors upon presentation of evidence that such membership would further the purposes of the Federation.
Section 3.04
(a) Affiliate memberships should at no time total more than one-third (33-1/3%) of the total Company and Associate memberships.
Applicants for Affiliate membership will be considered for appendix affiliate membership if sufficient Company and Associate memberships have not been approved to maintain the appropriate percentage.
(b) Appendix affiliate members shall become eligible for affiliate membership consideration either in the order in which their appendix affiliate membership was approved, or immediately upon the successful recruitment of two new company members by such affiliate member.