EFO’s 20th Annual Meeting – "Twenty Years of Success and Still Going Strong"

Frank Condon Award For Environmental Excellence - Lafarge, presentation by Travis Weide Air Quality SIP v VIP Regional Haze Rule - Clayton Eubanks - Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office Environmental Federation of Oklahoma - Eddie Terrill - ODEQ EPA Engine Regulations - Jeff Adams - BP America Overview of US EPA Stationary Engine Rules - Jeff Adams […]

2012 Regulatory News Reel – A Regulatory Update

2012 Legislation Update - Jimmy Givens - DEQ Deputy Executive Director Ambient Air Monitoring - Kent Stafford - Environmental Program Manager DEQ SO2 Modeling Update New Implementation Guidance Permitting Issues For PSD Facilities - Phillip Fielder - Engineering Manager Miscellaneous Air Quality Issue - Eddie Terrill - Division Director Implications of EPA’s 2012 Method Update Rule - David […]

Threatened & Endangered Species in Oklahoma – What Your Business Needs to Know and Do

The Conference Center OSU-Tulsa 700 North Greenwood, Tulsa, OK, United States

  Habitat Conservation Plans - David X Williams PhD - Enercon Services Inc. WFEC Interaction with Endangered Species - Kent Fletcher Assessing Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species Issues - David Rupe, FTN Associates, Ltd Endangered Species Act - Luke Bell - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service American Burying Beetle Conservation Bank, LLC - Wayne Walker […]

ODEQ & EFO Present a Regulatory NewsReel for 2013

About Us

Presentations: DEQ 2013 Legislation Update Jimmy Givens, DEQ Deputy Executive Director OCWP Implementation Year 1 Review J. D. Strong, OWRB Executive Director Lesser Prairie Chicken Update Alex Rizzo, ODWC Energy Emphasis Biologist   Photos:

22nd Annual Meeting


Theme: "Environmental Regulation on the Rise - The Cost and Value of Reaching Perfection"   Bernard L Weinstein, Keynote Associate Director, Maguire Energy Instute - Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University Will Environmental Regulations Derail the Energy Boom and Restrain the Revival of Manufacturing?   Richard Meyers, Plenary Speaker Principal Consultant, EHS Business Solutions A Brief […]

23RD Annual Legislative Receiption

You are invited to attend our 23rd Annual Legislative Reception on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, at The Faculty House, 601 N.E. 14th St., Oklahoma City, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  We hope you can join us for drinks and hors d’oeuvres so that we may express our sincere appreciation for the dedicated service of the members of […]